• Being an Associate Lecturer with the Open University

    The Open University, established by Royal Charter on 23 April 1969, is the leading university for flexible, innovative and world-leading research in the United Kingdom and in over 100 countries worldwide. Uniquely placed to understand the needs of part-time students, combining their learning while earning, our innovative, award-winning distance teaching credentials have seen over 2 million students receive an education, otherwise denied to them at campus-based universities.

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The Role

Our students study flexibly with the experts in distance learning. They’ll have a tutor, and access to lively online tutorials and student forums and all the support they'll need to succeed.

As an associate lecturer, amongst other things you can expect to provide academic support to a diverse group of students, including assessing students work, providing feedback and supporting exam preparation.

In addition, you’ll likely be helping develop student’s skills, be a point of student contact, and provide peer to peer mentoring. You may also be teaching at residential schools.

General Person Specification for an Associate Lecturer >

Find Associate Lecturers roles in The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences deals with the full range of human experience. Intrinsically interdisciplinary in approach, the Faculty produces cutting-edge research that informs our world-class teaching and inspires our students, academics and the general public.

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Find Associate Lecturers roles in The Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)

Our Law School offers world renowned and innovative legal education. Our Business School delivers transformational, high quality business and management education.

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Find Associate Lecturers roles in The Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

We aspire to be world leaders in inclusive, innovative and impactful STEM teaching and research. Our vibrant research community are active at the frontiers of knowledge in several areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

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The Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies (WELS)

Organised as three Schools, the Faculty works across a range of disciplines including Education, Childhood and Youth, Health and Social Care, Youth Work, Social Work, Languages and Applied Linguistics, Nursing, and Sport and Fitness. We take an innovative approach to teaching and learning, developing collaborative partnerships with employers and other institutions, and engaging in cutting-edge, action-oriented and internationally recognised research.

Explore Associate Lecturer roles in WELS >

Access, Open and Cross-Curricular Innovation

The majority of curriculum owned by Access, Open and Cross-curricular Innovation (AOCcI) is interdisciplinary, ranging from Level 0 (Access) through to undergraduate (Open) and also postgraduate (Open) which supports around one-fifth of the University's student population.

Explore Associate lecturer roles in AOCcI >