• Equality, diversity and inclusion

    Equity is one of our five strategic goals at the OU and we are committed to embedding equality and fairness in all that we do.  Fostering a diverse and inclusive culture where everyone at the University feels welcome, valued and able to reach their full potential. Everyone at the OU has a role to play in making the University more equitable, diverse and inclusive.

    Find out more >

Telling us about you

By telling us about you and your needs during the recruitment process, we can make sure we’re doing everything to support you. Rest assured, we’ll aim to make your experience the best it can be and to ensure our equality policies are effective. We won’t disclose your status to anyone who doesn’t need to know, and participation is completely voluntary.

The Open University positively welcomes applicants who identify as having a disability or neurodiverse condition. If you require any adjustments to enable you to attend the interview, please ensure that you contact the Recruitment team to discuss your requirements.

Please let us know if you need your copy of the Job Description in a different format to meet your needs. Additional accessibility information for disabled applicants is available from the Recruitment team.

The University is proud to be a Disability Confident accredited employer.

We proactively welcome applications from candidates who identify as disabled, highly value our existing employees who identify as disabled, and promise to support and treat all employees fairly should they become disabled.​​

We commit to offering an interview to a fair and proportionate number of applicants who identify as disabled, as long as they meet the minimum selection criteria for the job that they are applying for.

Our Equality Scheme

As a public body, we have several statutory duties. The Public Sector Equality Duty under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 requires us to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality and foster good relations between groups of people.

Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 requires us to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity and good relations across a range of characteristics.

We commit to having effective internal arrangements in place for ensuring our compliance with the statutory duties, and for monitoring and reviewing our progress. This is a scheme that protects you, our people.

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Staff networks

Staff networks allow us to be more collaborative, empowered, and inclusive, by connecting and supporting our colleagues. They provide a safe space for individuals to share collective understanding, ​​positive and negative experiences, and to evolve strategies in response to their experience at work. We celebrate diversity and promote inclusion in all we do.

Black and Minority Ethnic Network

This network is a social and cultural space for members to support and empower each other, raise greater awareness of the richness of the community’s culture, and provide a voice against race discrimination.

Care and Caring @OU Network

Focusing on knowledge exchange around care and caring, the promotion of carers' rights within The Open University, and the provision of information, advice, and guidance in carer-related development.

Enabling Staff @OU Network

The Enabling Staff Network supports disabled staff and PhD students, including those with long-term health conditions, and allies. The network provides a mechanism for feedback, ensuring that the University is understanding of the needs of our staff with disabilities.

International Communities Support Network

A staff network for migrants open to all EU nationals, non-UK nationals and UK nationals, offering support and offering a space for concerns, issues and priorities.

Neurodiversity Network

The Neurodiversity Staff Network supports staff who have either been diagnosed with, or suspect they may have, a neurodivergent condition(s) and allies. The network provides a mechanism for feedback, ensuring that the university is understanding of the needs of our staff with disabilities.

Proud Network

A network for all who identify as LGBTQIA+ and allies. The network aims to create an environment where all can belong, thrive and achieve ambitions without barriers, whilst also celebrating each other along the way!

Trans Staff Network

The network represents a wealth of gender identities and a diverse set of lived experiences, and aims to provide a safe space for all self-identifying trans and gender-diverse colleagues. Primarily a social group with an emphasis on community-building, the network has over 40 members from across many teams and locations.

Women @OU Network

An all-inclusive group that works to promote gender equality and raise the profile of women at the OU, aiming to provide opportunities to come together, listen to inspirational guest speakers, and share ideas and challenges.